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Karate is a path to self-knowledge and self-development. In true karate the aim is a lifetime devotion to develop mind, body, and spirit. Over a century ago, Master Funakoshi Gichin laid out the Twenty Precepts of Karate, or Niju Kun, which are the foundation of the art.

Our goal is to preserve these philosophical precepts through thoughtful instruction of kihon (basics), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring) while instilling inspiration for introspection and development of character.

jkaiwayama is proud to be a member of the Japan Karate Association (JKA) and its' national affiliate, the Ottawa JKA Karate Association (OJKA). Throughout our 30 years in karate we have been inspired, influenced, and encouraged by many truly amazing karateka around the world. Many of these people have become lifetime friends. We invite you to share our journey and hope that we can help you on your path, in the JKA of the Rocky Mountains (Iwa Yama). 


Niju Kun

1. Karate begins and ends with bowing (Rei means courtesy or respect)

2. There is no first attack in karate

3. Karate stands on the side of justice

4. First understand yourself, then understand others

5. The art of developing the mind comes before applying technique

6. The mind needs to be freed

7. Trouble is born of negligence

8. Karate goes beyond the dojo

9. Karate is a lifelong pursuit

10. Apply the way of karate to all things. Therein lies its' beauty.

11. Genuine karate is like hot water; it cools down if you do not keep on heating it

12. Do not think of winning. Think, rather, of not losing

13. Transform yourself according to your opponent

14. The outcome of the fight depends on one's control

15. Imagine one's arms and legs as swords

16. When you step beyond your own gate, you face a million enemies

17. Formal stances are for beginners; later one stands naturally

18. Do the kata correctly; the real fight is a different matter

19. Do not forget control of the dynamics of power, the elasticity of the body and the speed of the technique

20. Be mindful, diligent, and resourceful in your pursuit of "the way" 



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